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Center for Empowerment and Resource Development

The Project

  1. PILOT Stage I

1. Processes and method used.

After planning and agreement between the organization and the program, pilot stage for solar salt production was implemented. This was started first with the three different sources of sea water.

It was constructed in front of the organization meeting hall with a land space of about 10 x 10. With 3 modules for DEMO A which is from 2-3 km from the shoreline, DEMO B from the 4-5 km and DEMO C from5-6km from the shoreline.

Every module has three different size and measure different deep for the salt production.

  • 1st Box – 6 inches deep, 1.20 meter Length and 80 cm. width.

ü Contains 7 water cans (Evaporation basin)

ü In 15 – 17 Days (depends on weather condition), the seawater was transferred to second box called evaporation process for about 15 days.

  • 2nd box – 3 inches deep 1 meter X 1 meter,

ü After 15 days, the sea water was transferred to the third box for crystallization process.

  • 3rd box - 1 inch deep 1 meter X 1 meter

ü Crystallization process occurred after 10 days.

ü Then it was harvested and ready for market.

Monitoring system was done by the fisher folks /organization.

2. Result

After six months of observation, an assessment of the solar salt demo project was conducted. It was observed that there was faster evaporation of seawater from the 2-3 km than with those taken farther from the shore. It was surmised that this was due to two major rivers (Catarman and Mondragon rivers) merging along 4-6 km from the shore. The program recommended using 2 km from the shore as source of seawater.

Seven (7) cans of seawater produce 3.5 kilos of salt every project cycle (30-40days). In the theory of salt making it was said that salt is produced after 3 months but in the program’s actual demo, it took only about 1 ½ months to produce the salt.

As per computation:

3.5 kls./module x 4 production phase =14 kls in 6 months for 1 module x P10/kilo= P140.00 per module per cropping period.

10 modules would then lead to P1,400 gross income from salt production.

It was agreed that another demonstration project would be launched to study other possible technologies for faster production of salt, because current production would not be able to provide enough income for the fisherfolk. .

The organization also recommended adopting the household level management of the project. The 5 PO members who were able to develop their skills in solar salt production will be the first five household managers of the salt production project stage II.


In 2007, pilot stage II was started with funds from the rehabilitation fund granted by SCLF to each organization[1]. They used the funds amounting to 17, 390.00 in the construction of their solar salt modules. This stage was managed by five (5) household

Three different measurement and styles were used. One module was composed of 2 boxes and contained 18 water cans of seawater. The first box measured 1m x 3m and about 6 inches deep. The second box was also 1m x 3m but was 3 inches deep.

Daily monitoring was done with this stage. Women household members particularly the wives were the ones doing the monitoring activities. They recorded the weather condition of the day and observation to the salt /seawater reaction.

Like the first demo, after 15 days (or when the seawater level in the evaporation box lessen by more than ½), the seawater from the evaporation box was transferred to the crystallization box where it turned into salt granules by 27-28 days.

Result of PILOT stage II

This stage took one year to observe but the production is not regular due to the unstable weather condition in the area.

Sunny season was shorter last year, though the households were still able to produce salt.

Every 18 water can of seawater produced 14 kls of salt for a minimum of 25 days under direct sunlight and 27-28 days during dry and wet season but salt was not produced at all with continuous rains.

This stage was found to be better than the first pilot because salt is produced in higher volume in only 1 month.

As per computation:

(Result on Pilot Stage 1)

3.5 kls./module x 4 production phase =14 kls in 6 months for1 module x P10= P140.00 per module per cropping period.

(Result on Pilot Stage 2)

14 kls/module x 6 production= 84 kls in 6months for 1 module x P 10.00 =P 840.00

For household managed project, if there were five modules per household this can really be an additional income for the family. (14 kls x 5 modules = 70 kls per month per household or 700 additional income for each household.). This can already cope with the household needs.

There were also observations done by the household during harvest time. There were bigger salt granules harvested in the afternoon compared to those harvested in the morning. Hence they recommended that harvesting be done in the morning for better and smaller granules.

The salt granules produced by the fisherfolk was already tested by the DOST. Result showed that there was only 87 % sodium chloride content in the granules. The country’s ASIN Law requires 97% as standard content of sodium chloride. Hence the program needs to look for ways to increase the volume and the salt content of the fisherfolk’s product.

The program team and the fisherfolk organization submitted a proposal to DOST for further product development and enhancement measures. The DOST already conducted site visit to solar site. Site visit was their basis for their recommendation to their central office for the approval of proposal.


Locally within the barangay, the fisherfolk sold their salt at 15 pesos per kilo (for household).

The program conducted market survey in 10 municipalities in Northern Samar. The result was, all the supply of salt came from Cebu and Bicol. The major supplier of salt in the whole province of Northern Samar was SANVIC where in about more or less 2,000 sack of for 1 month delivered from Cebu. Sanvic delivered it to the small-scale business in the 10municipalities.

Aside from Cebu, there was also ship from Bicol that delivered salt from Imperial Trading to Laoang, Palapag and Lapinig.

For the retailer, below is the data and we know that this can be the target market of the salt project.

Name of Town

# of suking tindahan-retailers

# of Sacks of Asin Purchased/ Schedule

Price (Recent)




Ave. of 5 sacks x 50 per week


All of the retailers purchased salt once a week only



Ave. of 3 sacks x 15 per week



San Jose


Ave. of 3 sacks x 18 per week





Ave. of 3 sacks x 10 per week





Ave. of 3 sacks x 10 per week





Ave. of 3 sacks x 6 per week



Las Navas


Ave. of 3 sacks x 5 per week





Ave. of 3 sacks x 6 per week





Ave. of 3 sacks x 8 per week



San Roque


Ave. of 2 sacks x 5 per week



Retailers of Salt with Market Stalls

  • 2 retailers with market stalls were interviewed. 1 retailer of salt is on the business for 10 years already and the other is 5 years.
  • They purchased 5-7 sacks of salt per week at Sanvic trading at 240.00 per sack and this will be sold out within the same week also.
  • Most customers are those from the farm, small sari-sari store and individuals. Customers use salt for food preservative and food seasoning.
  • Highest sales of salt for an ordinary day is 5 kilos, but can sell as much as 1 sack of salt during occasions such as Christmas, new year and fiesta.
  • Salt to be sold is packed by kilo (15.00), ¼ and ½ and repacked at 5.00.
  • Interviewees did not experience complains from the customers and both do not sell salt if not iodized because there is regular monitoring from the DOH if their salt are iodized or not.
  • They purchase salt by cash and sell it by cash.
  • If there are no available stocks of salt at Sanvic, they purchase to another wholesaler of salt “Mana Iday” in Catarman but at a higher price (280). Mana Iday store opens on occasional basis only.

Sari-sari Store Retailers

  • 4 owners of small sari-sari store interviewed. They purchase 1 sack of salt at Sanvic weekly.

  1. D. Problem Encountered during the two Stages of Piloting

  1. One of the major problems encountered by the program and the fisher folks is the difficulty of fetching water from the sea to the boxes.
  2. Securing the area of salt boxes is also a challenge for the fisherfolk.
  3. Unstable weather condition in the area another stumbling block in the production of good quality salt.

  1. E. Future Plan:

  1. Improve the site for proper sanitation and to produce good quality of salt for commercial purpose.
  2. Look for other technology to increase salt production in order to increase income of the fisher folks.
  3. Increase the number of modules to increase production.
  4. In choosing site, test the water salinity to increase chances of good quality of salt.
  5. Choose a site that is far from the freshwater source.
  6. Submit resolution to Municipal Council and to DENR (Department of Environment and Natural Resources) to apply for FLA (Foreshore Lease Agreement).

[1] The area experienced strong typhoons that resulted in flooding during this period and as a form of assistance SCLF provided rehabilitation funds to help the fisherfolk organizations recover from the damages brought about by the typhoons/floods.